Saturday, June 20, 2009

The Need For A Purpose !

Everyone needs a purpose, a reason to get up in the morning, a reason to keep on going! How do you get that purpose? Where do you search or does it just come into your life one day?

Empowering your life and thoughts come from within, they start from you and a little thing called a 'DREAM'. Everything in life begins with a seed, a dream and then a plan is put in place to make that seed grow.

In life you attract both good and bad things to you and it is this attraction of ideas, people and circumstances that shape our daily actions, thoughts and actions.

So why are some people so successful and others aren't. We need to dream and attract things to us. We should all be able to dream for great things, right?

The secret I'm going to share with you is what so many people fail to do,that would change their lives if they did it, and that is 'They Fail To Live Their Dream Everyday, Making The Good Things Happen For Them DAILY'

You see most people will try something like this for a few days, maybe a week or a month and then give up with the comment "Well That Was Waste Of Time". It is that attitude that ensures success never comes their way in life.

To gain a purpose:
Dream how you want to live your life,
See it everyday and then you'll start attracting the right thoughts, people and ideas to you and NEVER stop dreaming!!