Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Life Success Principle Part 3 – The Power Of Language

By Michael Griffiths

I hope you really enjoyed part one and two of our journey through Life Success Principles. Today we are going to touch on an amazing topic and take a closer look at the power of language and how it is used. Everytime we speak the language we use is influencing others around us as well as ourselves, remember we model people from 8yrs of age onwards, so most of your language has probably come from your past.

I met a boy the other week, he was about 14 yrs old and we were talking about basketball and I was helping him with his shot. I would explain something to him and then he would generally reply or make a comment. Everything that was coming out of his mouth was so negative, not only about him not being able to do it, but about his circumstances in general. That got me really curious about meeting his parent(s), when mum came to pick him up I started asking some general questions about her son and playing basketball and the responses BLEW ME away. I don’t think I could have met a more negative person in the world. It was everyone else’s fault; nothing was ever good enough and on it went.

You see as an adult you have a choice and you can learn how to change things in your life if you’re not happy with it. Children however don’t have that realisation and model behaviour and language because they believe that is how it’s suppose to be done.

Your language will build on beliefs and habits which in turn allow you to have success or not. A person that uses the word ‘try’ a lot will usually always be ‘trying’ the whole life but never really succeeding. ‘I might’ is very different and will bring you very different results than a person who uses ‘I will’.

The great power of language is this - once you realise the downfalls that are preventing you in moving forward then you can move past the roadblock and remove or change that piece of language to something else. Remember in previous Life Success Principles we have spoken about cause and effect and how a person at cause is being 100% responsible for their thoughts, actions and behaviours.

Language is so subtle that we often don’t even realise what is coming out of are mouths and how it is effecting other circumstances in our lives.

Let’s look at a few recent examples of sentences that have been said to me over the past week and then let’s dissect them.

“You’re a better person than me, I could never do that”
A few things come up here; I could never do that (says who)
“Never” real strong negative word and means you probably won’t give it a go.
“Better than” in what context, says who, limiting belief

“I think I could achieve that”
It is amazing how many people use the word I think without even knowing it. It is similar to using the “try” I’ll try to do that. Both words aren’t terrible but your sub consious is very confused when you are either I might or might not. How about you replace them with ‘I am’ or ‘I will’ be definate in what you set out to do and finish it off!

The language we use every day is either preventing us or moving us forward towards our goals and dreams, what is your language doing for you?

Until next time have a wonderful time playing around with your langauage and becoming a positive person.