Saturday, June 19, 2010

The 5 Principles For Life Success

To achieve anything in life successfully there are 5 principles to follow which will allow a greater chance of success.

1. Know your outcome. Be specific with what you want. Understand clearly what it looks like, feels like, and sounds like.

2. Take Action. Each and every day do a little bit to move towards your outcome. Even if it is 1 thing you, have moved 1 step closer than the day before. The reason why so many people never have success is that one day they stop taking action.

3. Have sensory acuity to notice what’s working and what’s not working. People tend to either say they achieved something or failed at something. This way of thinking does nothing other than set you up for failure. There is no way you can get everything right all of the time. So when something doesn’t go right, do you stop, quit, give up? What if instead you thought like this, ‘there is no failure, only feedback’. Then you can notice what is not working for you and change the way you do that particular thing.

4. Have behavioural flexibility to make changes as required. If something is not working for you I guess we have two options. Quit or change the way we are currently doing things. Unfortunately to many people can’t or in fact aren’t willing to change their behaviour and therefore they think the only option is to quit. Those people who can release that something is not working and change their behaviour accordingly continue on the path forward to achieving their outcome.

5. Operate from a physiology and psychology of excellence. Whatever your outcome is complete all the previous steps with an ecology of goodness. I ask myself is it 1. Good for me?
Good for you?
Good for the greater good?

If I can answer all of those with a yes then I know I’m operating from a physiology and psychology of excellence.

So let’s complete a little exercise right now that is easy and effortless to do.

1. Choose an outcome that you would like to achieve in the next day, week or month. Write the outcome in moving towards language. For example ‘I will .....

2. Create a list of 5 things that if you took action on these things would get you closer to your goal.

3. After you complete the first 3 action, evaluate what has taken place and add more action steps to the outcome or change the current action steps because they are no longer relevant.

4. Ensure you have behavioural flexibility to change if required. Remember there is no failure here just feedback and therefore you need to monitor and adjust

5. Ask yourself when I complete this outcome is it good for me, good for others and good for the greater good?

Have fun along the way

Live Life With Passion
Michael Griffiths

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Pathway To Life Fulfilment...

Pathways To Life Fulfilment and Happiness #1
By Michael Griffiths

We are starting a new beginning with our pathways to Life fulfilment and happiness. The quotes, statements and questions are for you to think about, write down and act upon. While the questions posed are for you to answer and create wonderful awareness for yourself.

Hold these on whatever level they work for you, don’t try to read too much into them and keep referring back as I’m sure as you grow the meanings will become different over time.

1: To solve any problem, here are three questions to ask yourself:
First, what could I do?
Second, what could I read?
And third, who could I ask?
Jim Rohn

You are 100% responsible for your results – If you played at that level every day, what would you do differently?

What books would you read?

What courses would you do?

Who would you seek to learn more about creating your ideal life?

2: You must be the change you wish to see in the world
Mahatma Ghandi

How do you currently see the world and people in it?

How would you like to see the world and the people in it?

What needs to change in you to see the world that way?