Thursday, July 9, 2009

Living Life When You’re Not A Victim

Within our world there are victims everywhere. Victims every second of every day. We hear them all the time sharing their stories and problems as if the world was about to end. Do you have a victim mentality that’s holding you back?

Things take place every second of every day, it is how we look at those certain events that help us form opinions and influence our way of thinking and habits.

It’s amazing when you start the day off badly, things just continue to go wrong. You spill your coffee, then you miss the bus or the train, you drop all the papers you were carrying all over the ground and you can’t imagine what will happen next.

Funnily enough, if you had reacted differently to the spilt coffee the continuing bad events wouldn't of occured. The majority of people would be blaming someone or something else for that coffee being spilt. The reason for this is we naturally prefer to be the victim rather than the "Cause", and accepting it for what it is.

One of the great powers of the universe, that changes people’s lives forever, is when you start to understand the law of "Cause and Effect".

There is a "Cause and Effect"for everything that happens. Those with a victim mentality will always be the "Effect" and blame others, never take . They therefore live a life of unhappiness as they are always the victim, happily giving reasons and justifications on why things work out badly, couldn't work out at all or don't happen.

Those of us that realise they are the "Cause" of events have a completely different outlook on life. When events take place and you take responsibility for them you come from a completely different position of power and therefore you limit their effect. Taking responsibility for everything that goes on allows you to change what you don’t like, because you’re in charge.

How do you limit the "Effect"?

Well let’s get back to an earlier topic:
You Attract What You Think About Most Into Your Life

If you come from the "Effect" mentality then you are continuing to attract bad events or happenings because you haven’t moved on from the initial bad happening. I guarantee more bad luck will come your way.

If however you come from the "Cause" mentality, accept what has happened and move on, you can get back to attracting better things into your life for that day.

It’s amazing how such a little difference in a persons habit will make such a big change in a persons happiness. Try becoming a "Cause" person and take responsibility for everything that goes on, both good and bad, then realise the power you have just given yourself to change what you don’t like, as you are the boss of your own destiny!

Take Care
Michael Griffiths

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